Fragments, 2023d

ISO-8601 Date Format

This site and some other places I manage have been changed to ISO-8601 date format (from US English long date like “December 1, 2023”). It is straightforward, unostentatious, engineering justice.

Sometimes I also manually type / instead of -.


The way Americans use the word “tech” is extremely superficial. Much of the “tech” industry is not about tech, but using it at a high level to effectively manipulate its businesses. The groups that develop real technologies are less visible.

Most of the labor required to make a digital product is not technical. Those include investigations of requirements, intentions, desires; formalization of procedures; design; selection and verification of data. The technology always allows parameterization by them, and software is adaptive enough for these goals.

Tech only has to be good enough for the product. The corporations are looking for an economic optimization of pure technology and other resources. There is not much “pinnacle of technology” in these usual digital products as they can often be filled by human labor. “What is, is right” could be said of the study of economy, and its narrow sense capitalism.

Be smart: Throw away your pictures of AI as a robot — and start imagining the technology as a big puppet instead.


I was hurt twice this week by my own reflexes. Apparently they are not as helpful in a dense modern world as in the wild.

I wonder what will happen if you place a cat near an abyss and use a cucumber on the other side.




然后我发现我的不满应该分为两部分。第一是教条内容的缺点。第二是我的朋友竟然在接受教条!那是对现实、对生活的背叛!(也许不是对理想的背叛,但是不切实际的理想应该如何对待。)他将不再用自己的能力去探索及理解世界。他是不是已经失去了感受能力,只会说和 ChatGPT 一样的公共语言,其中每个字的意思都是学来的、而不是创造出来的?



When I was younger I would directly attack what I was not satisfied with. Some then quickly argued that those were accepted in its conditions. Good argument; I found that to be true. But relativism is often sophism and deserves more attacks.

In an evolving community, dogma is deeply connected and changing with its activities. Once it leaves the environments of its practice, its original meaning is lost. Every sentence we write may come to this end. For example, there is this widely accepted moral statement of “people shall help and thank each other”. If a person practices his life following this sentence, some might say that he is impoverished by his early education, or perhaps leftists, never making his own moral decisions and never having any deep motivation in his help and thankful acts. In the other way, one can try to do good things without being guided by dogma. They would have a deeper understanding of good, and are also able to synopsize the dogma, but might not agree with the sense others express with this sentence.

I realized that my dissatisfaction has two parts. The first one is the shortcomings of a dogma’s content. The second is that my actual friends accept them! What a betrayal of reality and life! (Perhaps not a betrayal of ideals, but we will treat unrealistic ideals another way.) They will not explore and understand the world by themselves. Did they lose a capability to feel, to the extent that they can only speak a public language such as ChatGPT, where every word has a meaning that they learned, not created?

People who easily accept dogmas potentially did not realize the simultaneous freedom and publicity of language, and depend on the direct meaning of a text. Articles often cannot be understood without knowing its environment, which will not automatically be described by a language you already understand. Sometimes I had to control my tendency to read literally, although it is also an ability. Starting now I will ask around places, “where did you find this”, “did the original author mean this” so people can start to see the problems.

Intelligence, Objective

Perhaps no intelligent being can emerge without itself having a natural motivation. Perhaps an AGI has its own motivation which must be hijacked for us to command it.

Natural Language

There was someone’s quote that is roughly “inaccuracy is why natural language works well”. I do not like this one. First, the sentence appears to state an analytic rather than synthetic fact. Second, it can be easily interpreted in a degenerate sense and a better expression must be found.

Degenerate English

Do. Not. Speak. Like. This:

  • Basically
  • you know
  • just kinda…
  • Like,
  • (starter) So,
  • I mean,
  • just a little bit here
  • yeah
  • right?
  • Exaaactly



